Whats On

CHRiku! (Christmas Haiku) Competition - closes 9 December!

OPENS:  SATURDAY 25 NOVEMBER 2017 @ “The Moon”    CLOSES:  4PM SATURDAY 9 DECEMBER 2017 @  “The Moon”

JUDGING FINISHES :  11.01pm THURSDAY 14 DECEMBER 2017  -   NOT  @ “ The Moon”

                          THE  WINNER’S  CASH PRIZE OF $50  PRESENTED:   SATURDAY 16 DECEMBER 2017  @ “The Moon”                 

Saturday 25th of November, Jenny Blackford and Larraine Duncan!

This Saturday, it’s Jenny Blackford and Larraine Duncan as our features on 25th November 2017 at Perth Poetry Club.

Jenny Blackford writes poems and stories for people of all ages.  Her poems have appeared in Australian and international anthologies and journals including Westerly, Australian Poetry Journal, The Pedestal Magazine, Strange Horizons and Going Down Swinging.

Sunday 12th of November, Garage Sale: Fundraiser!


Any enquiries to: Neil- 0422 148 956 - Helen- 0431 035 540

Proceeds to various poetry groups, in conjunction with “VIABLE HUMAN MOB”

P.T.O. for MORE


TOO Be Held in Conjunction With ~ V.H.M. (viable Human Mob’z)

 “Garage Sale wit Garage Band’z”  &  >>>Random Fundraiser<<<

Will be LAUNCH Of the Latest ZiNE of Poetry,

N J (BRiLO) Pattinson’s “Double Edged Sword”

Saturday 4th of November, Rose Lucas (VIC), Mitchell Thompson and Chase Houghton!

This Saturday, it’s Rose Lucas (VIC), Mitchell Thompson + Chase Houghton  as our features on 4th November 2017 at Perth Poetry Club.

Rose Lucas is a Melbourne poet and academic.  Her first collection , Even in the Dark (UWAP 2013) won the Mary Gilmore prize.  Her second collection, Unexpected Clearing (UWAP) was published in 2016. She is currently completing her third collection, At the Point of Seeing. She will be in Perth to co-host a doctoral Writing Retreat with ECU.
