Whats On

Saturday 19th November, Brushstrokes III launch and open-mike, at The Moon & Zoom!

This Saturday 19th November we have the Brushstrokes III, Ros Spencer Poetry Contest Anthology 2022 launch + open-mike at the Moon and on Zoom.

Launch speech by Leonard James, reply by Geoff Spencer, launch MC-ing by Gary De Piazzi, readings by Gayelene Carbis, David Terelinck, Shey Marque, Rhian Healy, SoulReserve, plus open-mike.

Saturday 12th November, Tammie Winnett, Cam Knight (Vic), Judith Ann + open-mike, at The Moon & Zoom

This Saturday 12th November we have wonderful poets Tammie Winnett + Cam Knight (Vic) + Judith Ann, and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club, VIA ZOOM and at The Moon Café.

Tammie Winnett has been coming to the Moon since 2016.  She is quiet, somewhat shy, but has been getting up on the mic to share her words, her thoughts, her emotions about life and the world that she lives in.

Saturday 5th November, Glen Phillips' Slings & Arrows 6 & Friends + open-mike, at the Moon on Zoom!

This Saturday 5th November we have Glen Phillips and the launch of his SPLAT—Slings and Arrows No 6, with Colin Young, and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club, VIA ZOOM and at The Moon Café.

Coral Carter edited the fifty poems in this volume and there will be selected readings from "Splat!” by ‘the company’.

Saturday 8th October, Young Poets Showcase + open-mike, at The Moon, & Zoom!

This Saturday 8th October it’s Perth Poetry Festival time and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club, VIA ZOOM and at The Moon Café.


2:00pm to 4:00pm, YOUNG POETS + open-mike

              we have fantastic young poets: Poppy Bell, Carter Kirkland and Keira Applegate  (more details to come as they become available)

              Plus regular open-mike (3minutes max per open-miker).

Saturday 1st October, Perth Poetry Festival poets + open-mike + 2 Book Launches at The Moon, on Zoom!

This Saturday 1st October it’s Perth Poetry Festival time and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club, VIA ZOOM and at The Moon Café.


   2:00pm to 4:00pm, we have fantastic festival poets:

          Freya Daly Sadgrove (NZ), Peter Boyle (NSW), Tamryn Bennett (NSW), 

          Amy Lin, Barbara Temperton, Maree Dawes, Scott-Patrick Mitchell, Colin Young

          Plus open-mike (2minutes max per open-miker).

Saturday 24th September, "Wooden Spoon to Minor Premiers" + open-mike! at the Moon Cafe, on Zoom

Perth Poetry Club this Saturday 24th September 2pm-4pm has Poetry from “Wooden Spoon to Minor Premiers” + open-mike, via ZOOM and at THE MOON CAFÉ.

In celebration of the AFL Grand Final, Poetry from “Wooden Spoon to Minor Premiers” will show how Bukowsky, Tennyson, Plath, Ted and Frieda Hughes, Rilke, H.D., Heaney, Wright, Masefield, Duffy, Olds, Bunner, Barnes, Glück, Hamilton and others were rabid football fanatics in their time.

Link the poets to the teams if you dare beforehand. Plus usual open-mike.

Saturday 17th September, Colin Young, Glen Hunting (NT) + open-mike at The Moon & Zoom!

Perth Poetry Club this Saturday 17th September 2pm-4pm has wonderful poets Colin Young + Glen Hunting (NT) + open-mike, via ZOOM and at THE MOON CAFÉ.

Colin Young twists his writing kaleidoscope to view the world in all its mystery. He’s interested in sexuality, nature and people’s different responses to love and death. He’s thrilled that his first book Between Stations has been published this year. And he’s grateful to the Perth poetry community that has helped and inspired him all the way.
