Perth Poetry Club has the Brushstrokes V Ros Spencer Poetry Anthology 2024 Book Launch + open-mike, this Saturday 16th November, 2pm-4pm at The Moon Café and on Zoom.
Join us for a poetic celebration at the Perth Poetry Club!
On Saturday, 16th November, WA Poets are thrilled to launch Brushstrokes V, the fresh-off-the-press anthology from the 2024 Ros Spencer Poetry Contest. The anthology features prize-winning and selected works handpicked by this year’s judge, Lakshmi Kanchi.
The launch will showcase poets included in the anthology, so if you’re one of them, consider this your invitation to join us and read your poem during open mic! The launch will run within the normal Perth Poetry Club gig with regular open-mike as well.
Expect readings from Gillian Clark MC, Rose Van Son, Coral Carter, Glen Hunting (Zoom), Tineke Van Der Eecken, Alan Padgett (TBC), Glen Philips (TBC)
Supported by Geoff Spencer and family, the Ros Spencer Poetry Contest honours Ros’s courage, character, and passion for poetry. Her spirit lives on in the beautiful words:
“Like a leaf falling from a tree, She just let go …
And the Sun and the Moon shone forever” — Rev. Safire Rose
Come to Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge from 2pm-4pm to raise a toast to poetry, share a verse, and celebrate Ros’s legacy together.
Please join us to celebrate poetry from the backroom and on Zoom,
this Saturday, 16th November 2024, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Brushstrokes V Ros Spencer Poetry Anthology 2024 Book Launch + open-mike
at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge & on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
A great space to be on a Saturday afternoon
In weeks to come we have:
Launch of Brushstrokes V, the Ros Spencer Poetry Contest anthology, speeches by Lakshmi Kanchi and Geoff Spencer, with Open-mike
Virginia O’Keefe + Anna McCracken + open-mike + Celebrating 15years at The Moon & our sound guy Ben, with pizzas
Adelaide Knowles + TBA + open-mike
Splodge + Jayna Otto (USA) + open-mike
Nina Lewis (UK) + TBA + open-mike
All with open-mike...