Saturday 27th July, The Rhythm of Vietnam - poetry and music + open-mike, at The Moon, on Zoom!

Perth Poetry Club has The RHYTHM OF VIETNAM
with wonderful poets Vo Thi Nhu Mai (Mai White), Lee Lam & Emma Hahn Ma,
reading their poems and others’ in Vietnamese and English,
plus open-mike this Saturday 27th July, 2pm-4pm at The Moon Café and on ZOOM.

Vo Thi Nhu Mai (Mai White) was born in Dalat city, and worked as a high school English teacher for 5 years. She then moved to Australia to complete her Graduate Diploma in Primary Teaching, then Master Degree in literacy. She has been working as a primary school teacher since 2004. Mai writes for fun. Her poetry publications in Vietnamese are many (11+ in total). Mai is the founder and owner of the website called THE RHYTHM OF VIETNAM. It is beautifully presented and crafted, the work of authors is neatly translated, decorated and posted on a daily basis.

Lee Lam, a primary school teacher in Vietnam for 30 years. She moved to Perth a few years ago, loves poetry and has composed poems sometimes

Emma Hanh Ma was born in Vietnam, and works as an Australian Pharmacist who is rather entrepreneurial. In 2022, Emma was honoured to be inducted into the WA Womens’ Hall of Fame where she was one of the youngest inductees. Her attitude is “No matter how things may appear in life, embrace the moment as everything and everyone in front of us is actually our TEACHER for our personal and ‘collective’ growth. Keep an open mind and welcome life experiences with opened arms and an open HEART.

(NIER HAS HAD TO CANCEL) Nier Nguyen is a Vietnamese musician who plays piano and the traditional dan bau single-stringed zither instrument. He will perform a medley of traditional Vietnamese music on the dan bau, a unique live music experience.

Please join us to celebrate music and poetry,

this Saturday, 27th July 2024, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).

Vo Thi Nhu Mai (Mai White), Lee Lam & Emma Hahn Mai, Nier Nguyen plus open-mike

at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge and on ZOOM

Join Zoom Meeting:

A great space to be on a Saturday afternoon at The Moon and on Zoom.

In weeks to come, we have:

Vo Thi Nhu Mai (Mai White), Lee Lam & Emma Hahn Ma, reading their poems and others’ in Vietnamese and English
+ open-mike,
plus Nier Nguyen playing the dan bau single-stringed zither. (UNFORTUNATELY NIER HAS HAD TO CANCEL)

Alan Fyfe & Christopher Kennedy
+ open-mike

Mike Pedrana and launch of Black Sheep Poems
+ open-mike

Rita Tognini and Almost Like Home
+ open-mike

Perth Poetry Festival Gig
+ open-mike
Willo Drummond (NSW), Tanmoy Chakraborty (India), Gabby Everall (Vic), Paul Kohn (SA)

… All with open-mike, not to be missed …