Saturday 15th June, Ross Jackson & Suited to Grey + Open-mike!, at The Moon, on Zoom

Perth Poetry Club has wonderful poet Ross Jackson, reading from his latest book Suited to Grey, plus open-mike
this Saturday 15th June, 2pm-4pm at The Moon Café and on ZOOM.

Ross Jackson is a flaneur poet. He tries to recreate moods of places visited, or imagined. He has an especial affinity for those pockets of nature isolated in the Perth suburbs.

Dogs and frail humans often appear centre stage or in the corners of his poems. Some readers have commented on the quirkiness of his work.

Unduly prolific, Ross is a poet of the hard slog. He has poems in many literary journals and websites. Time alone on a quiet path came out with UWAP in 2020 and Suited to Grey was published by WA Poets Publishing this year.

Please join us to celebrate poetry

this Saturday, 15th June 2024, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).

Ross Jackson and his Suited to Grey, plus open-mike

at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge and on ZOOM

Join Zoom Meeting:

A great space to be on a Saturday afternoon at The Moon and on Zoom.

In weeks to come, we have:

15-Jun-24 Ross Jackson & Suited to Grey + open-mike

22-Jun-24 Virginia O'Keefe + open-mike

29-Jun-24 Koraly Dimitriadis (VIC)+ open-mike

6-Jul-24 Vietnamese Poets + open-mike

… All with open-mike, not to be missed …