Perth Poetry Club has wonderful songster/poet Danny Gunzburg & muso John Lowndes + open-mike this Saturday 20th May, 2pm-4pm at The Moon Café and on ZOOM.
Danny Gunzburg is an Award-Winning Poet and Songwriter.
He has consistently performed his poems and songs in front of West Australian audiences and in other parts of the country. He first gained recognition as part of the invited guests at the Poetry d’Amour Events and has won awards for his poetry as well as song lyrics. He has published 3 poetry books and many CD’s of his music.
John Lowndes is a talented musician, producer and songwriter.
He has been performing music in one form or another for many decades. He teamed up with Danny to co-produce the album “Rescued From The Flames”. Danny and John have teamed up with drummer, Errol Hudson to perform their songs in “The West End Trio”.
Don’t miss this Saturday, 20th May 2023, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Danny Gunzburg & John Lowndes + open-mike
at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge and on ZOOM
Join Zoom Meeting:
A great place/space to be on a Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm WST, at The Moon & on Zoom.
In weeks to come, we have:
20-May-23 Danny Gunzburg & John Lowndes + open-mike
27-May-23 Mega Open-mike event
3-Jun-23 Love To Read Local 2023, featuring Amy Lin & Miriam Wei Wei Lo,
interviewed by Coral Carter & Christine Della Vedova + limited open-mike
10-Jun-23 Jaya Penelope + Tim Heath (NZ) + open-mike
17-Jun-23 TBC
24-Jun-23 Elizabeth M Castillo (France) + open-mike …
All with open-mike, not to be missed …