Perth Poetry Club has wonderful poets Peter Bibby & Lynne DePeras, plus open-mike, this Saturday 2nd November, 2pm-4pm at The Moon Café and on Zoom.
Peter Bibby
Beginnings of a poet are a secret world, which the poetry half-makes public! I was an English migrant kid who grew up in Middle Swan W.A. walking to school barefoot past fire-belching brick kilns, paddocks with milk cows and the occasional retired draught horse, much admired and patted. The University of W.A. gave an introduction to poetry and publication through Westerly et al. The ABC took poetry! including my 60 minute verse feature "Island Weekend". I was founding editor of Magabala Books, publishing works from all over Australia, an initiative backed by the Australia Council. We even made movies in Broome. Many songs were written with composers Jimmy Chi and Catherine Clare Jones.
Lynne DePeras grew up on a hobby river orchard her father, a theologian and psychologist who had ambitions to cure human suffering, had bought after the war. Mother, a musically gifted and socially conscious fashion artist, took on running the orchard like a convict condemned to hard labour. Neither conceded one iota to each other's hopes.
Lynne grew up immersed in oranges and with a strong tendency to dream.
With a UWA Arts Degree in novel, drama and poetry, she later studied voice etc with Raphael Shelley at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in the UK. In 2007 she joined the committee of the Fellowship of Australian Writers. She published a poem in Les Wicks online poetry edition. Four short stories were recognised in competitions, and three published. She won a place in HARD COPY, a Canberra-based program for emerging writers with a beginning and yet unpublished novel about a Polish refugee. In 2022 she read, with Peter Jeffery, on Kalamunda Community Radio, poems representing the history of Australian poetry. That year she joined the Peter Jeffery Group, now the Vincent Writers Group and some of her poetry and prose appeared in their 2023 publication.
Peter will be singing his own songs at intervals. Much of his poetry and singing will be to celebrate his life in Broome. Whereas Lynne’s first half will be mostly a big ache for natural life on our planet. Her second half will partly be an ache for the destruction psychopaths wreak on those on the planet; like Hitler and Stalin. Also a little about how we ‘mature' ones see life.
The Moon Café will be open. Entry is off Newcastle Street. The back room has been rebadged the Dark Room, not that it is dark in the daytime.
The Moon Café will be open from 1pm, with drinks and toasties on offer. The kitchen is still being rebuilt so there is no tea, coffee or other food for now.
Perth Poetry Club will start at 2pm.
Please join us to celebrate poetry from the backroom and on Zoom,
this Saturday, 2nd November 2024, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Peter Bibby & Lynne DePeras + open-mike
at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge & on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
A great space to be on a Saturday afternoon
In weeks to come, we have:
Peter Bibby & Lynne DePeras + open-mike
Kerry Greer + open-mike
Launch of Brushstrokes V, the Ros Spencer Poetry Contest anthology, speeches by Lakshmi Kanchi and Geoff Spencer, with Open-mike
23-Nov-24 TBA
… All with open-mike, not to be missed …