Perth Poetry Club has wonderful poets Alan Fyfe & Christopher Kennedy plus open-mike this Saturday 3rd August, 2pm-4pm at The Moon Café and on ZOOM.
Alan Fyfe is a Jewish writer from Mandurah, the unceded country of the Binjereb people, whose verse and prose can be found in Westerly, Overland, Australian Poetry Journal, and Cottonmouth. He was an inaugural editor of UWA creative writing journal, Trove, and a prose editor for American web journal, Unlikely Stories.
Alan is a winner of the Karl Popper Philosophy Award, was shortlisted for the Judith Wright Poetry Prize, won second in the Tom Collins Poetry Prize, and has been selected as a Four Centres Emerging writer for 2022 / 23. His first novel, T, received shortlistings for both the T.A.G Hungerford Prize (Australia) and the Chaffinch Press Aware Prize (Ireland). T is published by Transit Lounge. Alan’s poetry collection, G-d, Sleep, and Chaos, was awarded silver for the Flying Islands unpublished manuscript award, and is published by Gazebo Books. T was shortlisted for the West Australian Premier’s Award for an Emerging Writer and Alan was again listed for a Premier's Award in 2024, this time in the fellowship category.
Christopher Kennedy will read poems from his memoir of poetry and verse, Of Love and Madness. A Poets' Journey. Covering twenty years the book looks at the politics of madness and health, as well as the loss of love due to unfortunate circumstance.
The book portal is at https://www.ofloveandmadness.com/
In Chris’ own words, “I live in Perth, Australia and I am schizoaffective. I have written this book to help others who suffer from this terrible disease. I have been a gold miner, poet, journalist, foreign affairs analyst and China scholar. This book covers my life from the age of 35 to 55, starting off in a locked ward in a psychiatric unit, a turn in the chemotherapy ward for Hodgkinson’s Lymphoma and ending with me finding some peace with life at the age of 55.”
Please join us to celebrate poetry,
this Saturday, 3rd August 2024, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Alan Fyfe & Christopher Kennedy plus open-mike
at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge and on ZOOM
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
A great space to be on a Saturday afternoon at The Moon and on Zoom.
In weeks to come, we have:
Alan Fyfe & Christopher Kennedy + open-mike
Mike Pedrana and launch of Black Sheep Poems + open-mike
Rita Tognini and Almost Like Home + open-mike
Perth Poetry Festival Gig + open-mike
Willo Drummond (NSW), Tanmoy Chakraborty (India), Gabby Everall (Vic), Paul Kohn (SA) + open-mike
… All with open-mike, not to be missed …