Perth Poetry Club has wonderful poets Claire Baker (NSW) & Mike Bravo + west coast launch of Claire Baker’s Paua Shells & Paper Clips + open-mike this Saturday 30th September, 2pm-4pm, at The Moon Café and on ZOOM.
Claire Baker is a creative and poet. Born and raised on the coast of NSW, she lives on Wiradjuri country with her husband and cat. She finds writing poetry a vital way of making sense of all around her. This exploration of observations has found another outlet in the creating of textile and paper art and artist books, in which words often have their part to play.
Claire is delighted to present Paua Shells & Paper Clips, her first published poetry collection. This book is the result of many years of thinking about, and observing, family, landscape, and herself. The four sections include one dedicated to ekphrastic works, as she finds art a wonderful source of inspiration.
Her poems have been published in fourW New Writing (Booranga Writers’ Centre annual anthology), Award Winning Australian Writing 2017, in art catalogues (both print and on-line), in public art collaborations, and on a bus shelter. For the past four years she has been facilitating Word Play @ Mock Orange to encourage others to take up the pen and write. Claire has been the featured poet at the Curious Rabbit Café in Wagga Wagga and via Zoom at the Perth Poetry Club. She enjoys presenting her work at open mic events, anthology launches, and at art exhibitions.
Mike Bravo (he/they) is a Welsh-born transmasculine poet who has called Australia home for much of his life, after emigrating to Queensland as a child. His move to Western Australia as an adult gave birth not only to a new life, but also to new inspiration for his writing. He resides in the Boorloo/Perth area.
Mike developed a strong love of poetry at a young age. He writes primarily about his experiences over the years with love, loss, homelessness, gender, sexuality, and survival. He also writes about people and places he comes across in daily life, as well as his journey with PTSD and dynamic disability.
Join us to celebrate poetry at The Moon and on ZOOM from the back room.
Saturday, 30th September 2023, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Claire Baker (NSW0, Mike Bravo & west coast launch of Claire's Paua Shells & Paper Clips) + open-mike
at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge and on ZOOM
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
A great place/space to be on a Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm WST, at The Moon & on Zoom.
In weeks to come, we have:
30-Sep-23 Claire Baker (NSW), west coast launch of Paua Shells & Paper Clips, & Mike Bravo + open-mike
7-Oct-23 Not the Grand Final Special – Gabriela Mistral Retrospective + open-mike
14-Oct-23 Paul R Kohn (SA), Jeff Cottrill (Canada) & Skylar J Wynter + open-mike
21-Oct-23 Liz Lefroy (UK), Mel Hamilton & Kerry Greer + open-mike
28-Oct-23 Natalie Damjanovich-Napoleon + open-mike …
All with open-mike, not to be missed …