Perth Poetry Club this Saturday 18th June has wonderful poet Mar Bucknell and the launch of a fantastic book:
Fifty Words for Sand: a history of live poetry in Western Australia 1829-2021, by Mar Bucknell, published by Eleutheria,
introduced by Peter Jeffery & Bluey Von Steiger plus Open-mike, at THE MOON CAFÉ, on Zoom.
Mar Bucknell is a minimalist. Poet.
Mar Bucknell has been writing poetry for performance since 1978. He has experimented with many different forms of poetry from silent pieces to long narratives, dada cut-ups, sound installations and unfolding text installations, to comic haiku before settling into a taut minimalism and an obsession with Western Australian history since the mid-nineties.
He has been involved as writer, producer, director and performer of several large-scale theatre shows based on poetic themes. These have included Place:LESS, Whereabouts Unknown, A Drive-thru Life, and Walk Don’t Walk, all by Big Idea Productions; Without Weapons with ACR and Ashley Higgs, and Reinventing Silence written by Garrick Tippett; and Unawares and The History of Glass by Bright Edge with sound by Allan Boyd. The third part of this trilogy, Stolen Mirrors is yet to be produced.
His poetry is included in The Turnrow Anthology of Contemporary Australian Poetry (2014) and the Fremantle Press Anthology of Western Australian Poetry (2017).
Fifty Words for Sand: a history of live poetry in Western Australia 1829-2021 is a monumental work, deserving respect for its sweep of time and space defining what “live poetry” means to an isolated place, the western half of a continent inhabited by one of the oldest living continuous cultures in human history, and “discovered” and settled so recently by others with terra nullius sentiment.
Speeches/introductions by:
Peter Jeffery OAM is heavily involved in the arts, be it Multicultural Art, Radio and Community Television, WA Poetry Inc.; to name a few. Peter has been and continues to be tireless in supporting the poetry, writing and art of many Australian writers and artists.
Bluey Von Steiger is a doggerel whisperer and a philistine who was brought up on the wrong side of the tracks long before the railway made it to his neighbourhood.
PLUS OPEN-MIKE – the occasion is celebration of live poetry
Please join us this Saturday afternoon 2pm - 4pm. The venue is Moon Café, 323 William St, Northbridge and on ZOOM.
Gig details are: Perth Poetry Club is inviting you to a scheduled Hybrid Live and Zoom meeting from Moon Cafe.
this Saturday, 18th June 2022 2:00pm to 4:00pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Fifty Words for Sand: a history of live poetry in Western Australia 1829-2021, by Mar Bucknell + open-mike.
Introduced by Peter Jeffery & Bluey Von Steiger
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
You will have to wait for Zoom to do its thing. You will need to be let into the meeting from the Waiting Room. Please be patient. It may not work straight away. Try again. If that fails email Elio on eliopoet@gmail.com
Join us for pizza and a glass of wine after the event
The next few weeks we have the following features:
18-Jun-22 Mar Bucknell Book Launch + open-mike,
Fifty Words for Sand: a history of live poetry in Western Australia 1829-2021, by Mar Bucknell, published by Eleutheria
Introduced by Peter Jeffery & Bluey Von Steiger
Join us for pizza and a glass of wine after the event
Info and inquiries 0421 778 270 or marbucknell@gmail.com
25-Jun-22 Claire Baker (NSW) + Gabby Everall (WA) + open-mike
2-Jul-22 Ian Lilburne + open-mike
9-Jul-22 Kevin Gillam + Cello + open-mike …
All with open-mike, not to be missed …